18 plates of ornamental tiles from the Afghan Boundary Commission Pl 17


This image showcases an intricate design derived from the ornamental tiles documented during the Afghan Boundary Commission of 1884. A striking interplay of colour and form, the composition features vivid hues of blue, red, green, and white arranged in symmetrical, flowing motifs. These patterns draw influence from Islamic decorative arts, where geometry and nature-inspired forms converge to create a visual language of harmony and detail. The style reflects a deep cultural exchange across regions, underscoring the significance of craftsmanship in architecture and decoration.

The Afghan Boundary Commission not only sought to delineate territorial frontiers but also documented the artistic heritage of the regions they traversed. The tiles captured in this image serve as a record of a culture rich in aesthetic refinement, connected to a broader tradition of Islamic art that spread across Central Asia and beyond. The continued appreciation for works like this points to their enduring appeal and the importance of such endeavours in preserving histories both visual and spatial.

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    18 plates of ornamental tiles from the Afghan Boundary Commission Pl 17