Trusts Alimentaires


This image serves as a stark yet creative critique of corporate monopolisation within the food industry, offering an incisive commentary on societal priorities. Bearing the slogan “Les affameurs ne sont pas les grévistes” (“It is not the strikers who starve you”), it challenges the narrative that labour strikes are the chief disruptor of supply chains. Instead, it directs attention to the influence of powerful food trusts in exacerbating inequality and hunger. The bold silhouette of a figure clutching symbolic products like coffee, milk, sugar, and bread underscores the exploitation inherent within these systems of control. Beneath the silhouette, the words “Trusts Alimentaires” emphasise the accusatory focus of the piece.

This work belongs to the visually potent propaganda of the Atelier Populaire, a group of students and workers formed during the Paris demonstrations of May 1968. These protests were a watershed moment in post-war French history, uniting calls for worker’s rights, education reform, and anti-capitalist revolution. The Atelier Populaire’s posters were created to be distributed as vehicles of political awareness, forming an inseparable part of the cultural and political fabric of the time. Their works remain enduring artifacts of dissent, encapsulating the spirit of an era determined to challenge entrenched systems of power.

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    Trusts Alimentaires